Tiddlywinks Nursery School security system
Here at Tiddlywinks Nursery School safeguarding our children is our number one priority. All our nursery teachers are up to date with relevant safeguarding training and we have robust safeguarding procedures in place. All main entrances are accessed via buzzed entry only, and we have 24/7 audio and video CCTV surveillance in all our indoor rooms and our outdoor play area.
Daily rigorous risk assessments are undertaken both inside and outside the grounds coupled with half yearly professional Health & Safety audits on play equipment: recommended by Bury Early Years Playground Inspectors.
Our rigorous policies & procedures strongly indicate our attention to detail when deploying staff and operating the nursery. All our staff are chosen for their skills, knowledge, empathy and dedication. They have been criminal record bureau police checked, reference checked and each have a supervised professional path way which supports their attachments as key carers.
Only a registered parent/guardian or nominated person can collect a child, if any other person other than the registered parent/guardian/nominated person is collecting a child the nursery must be fully informed in every instance, on registration an identification photo should be attached to the pack to ensure all emergency contact’s are identified correctly before collection. For security reasons a chosen ‘password’ is mandatory to confirm collection for all guardian/nominated persons via collection.